In this video Cindy is demonstrating the "Push-n-Pull" exercise. This is a general exercise for movement, stretching, strengthening and coordination involving the arms, legs and upper back. This exercise will be done in sitting.
- Sit up away from the back of your chair with your feet on the floor
- Firm your stomach, but be sure not to hold your breath
Breaking it Down
- Push arms straight out in front, palms out, fingers up
- Palms up, pull arms back, squeezing shoulder blades together at the end of the motion
- Right foot out, push down like pushing on a gas peddle
- Left foot out, push down like pushing on a gas peddle
- Pull right foot back, tapping on heel
- Pull left foot back, tapping on heel
Putting it all together - combine arm/leg movements for increased challenge for coordination
- Push arms out, push down right foot, push down left foot
- Pull arms back, pull back right foot tapping heel, pull back left foot tapping heel
Perform 10 repetitions