3.1 Kitchen Introduction

Here are a few things regarding safety in the kitchen:

  1. Clear/wide pathway
  2. Easy access to things used daily from higher or lower cabinets, placing them out on the counter
  3. Transporting items by transitional point such as another counter top, stool, small table or

          Walker basket  HealthSmart Universal Walker Basket https://amzn.to/3dBe7r9

          Walker tray Yunga Tart Walker Tray  https://amzn.to/2IzPkIh

           Drink holder AirMed Universal Drinking Cup Holder  https://amzn.to/31cHJWE

      4. Frequently used items on easily accessed shelf in refrigerator

      5.Cut down weight of frequently used items as needed by dividing and putting in smaller container eg. Milk

         Pouring assistance for drinks Sammons Preston Pour Thing  https://amzn.to/3oaQJFM
