TRANSFER: Sliding Board 1

In this video the caregiver will learn how to assist an individual with a sliding board transfer to/from a hospital bed and wheelchair. 

Preparing for Sliding Board Transfer Wheelchair to Bed

  1. Always move toward the strong side if possible
  2. If possible, adjust surface heights (raise/lower bed) so that the surface they are moving toward is at least level or slightly lower
  3. Position wheelchair at approximately 45 degree angle to the bed in order to clear the wheel with the board
  4. Lift up or take off armrest 
  5. Lock the wheelchair brakes
  6. Move foot rests out of the way or take them off
  7. Put a gait belt on and stand by for assistance

Verbal Cues WC to Bed
(Lower hospital bed to at least level or lower than wc seat if possible)

  1. Scoot forward in the wheelchair
  2. Lean away from the bed, lifting buttock/thigh, placing the board underneath
  3. Point the board in the direction you are headed
  4. Place feet over toward the bed
  5. Push down through hands as you lift your bottom and slide over on the board (weight can be put through the feet as well if they are able) When pushing down on the board, make sure not to get your fingers pinched under the board
  6. Once securely on the bed, lean away from the board and slide it out 

Preparing for Sliding Board Transfer Bed to Wheelchair

Verbal Cues Bed to WC
(Raise hospital bed slightly above level of wc seat and reposition wc in order to move toward strong side if possible)

  1. Scoot forward on the bed
  2. Lean away from the wheelchair, lifting buttock/thigh, placing the board underneath
  3. Point the board in the direction you are headed
  4. Place feet over toward the wheelchair
  5. Push down through hands as you lift your bottom and slide over on the board (weight can be put through the feet as well if they are able) When pushing down on the board, make sure not to get your fingers pinched under the board
  6. Once securely in the wheelchair, lean away from the board and slide it out

Special Thanks to Provider Plus for use of the hospital bed and Sycamore Village Assisted Living, in Swansea, IL for use of your facility.