TRANSFER: Pivot Transfer 3 - Half Stance or Squat

In this video the caregiver will learn how to perform a Half Stance or Squat Pivot Transfer.  This transfer is good to use if the individual is able to bear weight through one or both legs, though cannot take steps, needing moderate/maximum assistance to transfer from one surface to another. These instructions can be used no matter what surface the individual is coming from or going to, although when transferring to/from a wheelchair and/or hospital bed, always make sure the brakes are locked before starting the transfer.

When assisting with a transfer, block the weak leg with your leg(s) to assist in the weak leg's stability during weightbearing.  Both legs can be blocked as needed by you placing your feet on the outside of the individual's feet.  If the weak/injured leg cannot bear weight, block the good/pivot leg with yours for improved stability during the transfer.

Always have the individual transfer/move toward their strong side if possible.

Don't let the individual grab you around the neck or on the shoulders.  They can hold at the back of your upper arms above the elbows if able.

Apply a gait belt for safety

Verbal Cues for Transferring

Caregiver - Lock brakes as needed if coming from/going to wheelchair or hospital bed.  Remove armrest closest to the bed if possible.  Have the individual push up from the armrest if able, otherwise have them hold to the back of your arms as able

  1. Scoot your bottom forward
  2. Put your foot closest to bed slightly forward, other sightly back underneath you (help position as needed)
  3. You will lean forward and push up with your hand (if possible) or hold onto the back of my arms
  4. We are going come up in half stance and pivot on the count of 3

Caregiver- stand in front of individual, blocking weak leg, bend your knees, keep your head up with a slight arch in your back. Take ahold of the gait belt under the arms on each side of the individual.  Count to 3 with your direction of assistance being leaning back and lifting up as you pivot the individual over to the bed