HOW TO USE: Knee Scooter

The content included in the video and comment section is for general information only.  Equipment and individual circumstances will vary.  Always refer to and review an equipment manual for specifics on use and safety of your piece of medical equipment.  Please consult with a local Physical or Occupational Therapist regarding your specific circumstances and use of medical equipment.

In this video the viewer will learn how to use a knee scooter.

  • Adjust the knee platform to comfortable height for knee bend to 90 degrees with lower leg resting on platform.  
  • Height of platform should allow for thigh to hand straight down in order to comfortably apply weight through the knee.
  • Adjust handle bar height at level of hands with elbows bent to 90 degrees or slightly lower.
  • Hold onto handle bars, resting knee and lower leg of the injured side on the knee platform.
  • Use your good foot to propel to scooter forward or backward, steering with the handle bars.
  • Apply brakes as needed, especially to slow the scooter down a decline.