CAR: In & Out

In this video the caregiver will learn how to instruct an individual on getting in and out of the car. These instructions will be the same whether the individual is walking with an assistive device or without.  Apply a gait belt for safety.

Verbal cues for getting into the car

  1. Back up to the car until you feel the car at the back of your legs
  2. Reach back for the seat with your hands(or car assist handle as demonstrated in this video) one hand at a time when on the assistive device
  3. Sit down onto the seat
    *Be sure to watch the individuals head as they enter the car.
    *For taller individuals, scoot the seat back to make it easier for them to bring their feet into the car
  4. Scoot your bottom back onto the seat
  5. Bring one foot into the car at a time as you turn forward in the seat

Verbal cues for getting out of the car

  1. Bring one leg out of the car at a time as you turn toward the car door
  2. Scoot your bottom forward on the seat
  3. Lean forward, bringing your head /"nose out over your toes" 
  4. Push up with your hands from the seat (or car assist handle as demonstrated in this video)
  5. Bringing one hand up to the walker at a time as you come up to standing when using an assistive device

Review this video on How to use a Car Assist Handle

Car Assist Handle links:

The Original Emson Car Cane

Metro Car Handle Plus

Able Life Auto Cane